MKI$, MKL$, MKS$, MKD$, and MKC$ Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Convert numeric values to string values. Syntax MKI$( integer-expression%) MKL$( long-integer-expression&) MKS$( single-precision-expression!) MKD$( double-precision-expression#) MKC$( currency-expression@) Remarks MKI$, MKL$, MKS$, MKD$ and MKC$ are used with FIELD and PUT statements to write numbers to a random-access file. The functions convert numeric expressions to strings that can be stored in the strings defined in the FIELD statement. These functions are the inverse of CVI, CVL, CVS, CVD, and CVC. The following table describes these numeric-conversion functions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MKI$ Converts an integer to a 2-byte string. MKL$ Converts a long-integer value to a 4-byte string. MKS$ Converts a single-precision value to a 4-byte string. MKD$ Converts a double-precision value to an 8-byte string. Function Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MKD$ Converts a double-precision value to an 8-byte string. MKC$ Converts a currency value to an 8-byte string. Note These BASIC record variables provide a more efficient and convenient way of reading and writing random-access files than some older versions of BASIC. See Also CVI, CVL, CVS, CVD, CVC; GET (File I-O); FIELD; PUT (File I-O) Example See the programming example for the CVI, CVL, CVS, CVD, and CVC statements, which uses the MKS$ function.